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Wed, Dec 02
|Online event
Innovative tools for loan assignments and crisis risk monitoring with the support of the Italfinance Group
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Orario & Sede
Dec 02, 2020, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Online event
Work agenda:
Introduction and greetings
Marco Ziccardi (President of Andoc Torino): greetings and introduction to the conference
Emilio Panzeri (President of Italfinance): greetings and presentation of the Italfinance Group
Massimiliano Brion (Head of Structured and Extraordinary Finance of Italfinance)
Luca Varischetti (Head of Italfinance Factoring Division)
- Sale of trade receivables: maturity factoring, reverse factoring and other technical forms of factoring: main characteristics
Bruno Lorenzelli (Founder of the TaXchange - Fintech platform for the transfer of VAT-IRES / IRAP credits)
- Transfer of tax credits: functioning and legislative and regulatory aspects of Taxchange, a fintech platform for the transfer of VAT, IRES and IRAP credits
Tiziano Piccioli (Head of the Banking Consulting Division of Italfinance)
- Cash Driver: a tool created by Italfinance for the analysis of the Risk Center, the crisis alert, the financial statement analysis and the debt analysis in compliance with art. 2086 of the civil code (post bankruptcy law reform, new business crisis code).
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